The Blend

In business, Health, Shooting by Kimi Donahue

You may have heard of the “work-life balance.” No such thing… I believe it to be a blend. I actually learned this concept from a business mentor who understood that “work and home life are not diametrically opposed.” I really appreciated this because it taught me to 1) Be Authentic, 2)  Make sure all aspects of my life were in order, 3) As a leader understand that this applies to everyone. I’ve been told that I seem to “balance” my life well because of all the things I’m involved in. But check this out, it’s a blend:

Example 1: Wake up, have coffee, ready a daily scripture, get the kid up and ready for school, get kid to school, go to the gym, shower, go to a meeting, go to the range (maybe), go to the office, pick up kid, karate practice, more work, load ammo, and somewhere… I manage to eat in the midst. And sleep, don’t forget sleep. 

Example 2: Something at work didn’t go well, you bring it home. Vice Versa. 

Example 3: Kid is out of school for the summer. Bring her to work. 

Example 4: The blend of dark brown and gray hairs on my head. (I’m too young for this right?)

As you see– there is no balance. I guess it comes down to priorities. Sometimes certain goals take a little longer than I’d like. (Read “My Boyfriend is a World Champion, and I’m not… Yet.”) You hear the saying, “there’s not enough hours in the day, ” or “I need to get better at time management.” For me, sometimes there are days that I wake up a little extra early to get to the gym, or to finish a quote, or to write this blog post. I could be practicing for the next match, I could be sleeping in. (Oh that sounds wonderful.) But I have things on my checklist for the day. I take care of the priorities, then I can work on the things outside of being “Mommy” or “Insurance Lady.”

A lot of my daily habits have been reinforced with positive affirmations and a lot prayer. And well, because I’ve been a multi-tasker forever. I became a mom at the age of 20. If you want to hear about a work/school/life blend: I had her on a Friday and was back in class on Tuesday. It was a business math class, so I was pretty excited to be back! (Haha, not!) I went to school, had a kid, and had just began my career in insurance. I told myself I wouldn’t miss any school, because I really wanted my business degree, and nothing was going to stop that. I obtained said degree in 2012, which was also when I opened my first insurance agency with a captive company.

Fast forward: Now I’m in a very skill-heavy sport, my daughter is getting older and has more interests, and I just started an insurance brokerage. My positive affirmations? I am the best at everything I do. I am a great mom. I always complete my tasks. It still requires prioritizing, but the whole reason I wrote this is because you CAN win. You CAN get back to the gym. You CAN be the best spouse. You CAN be the best parent. You CAN be the #1 sales person. You CAN be a national or world champion. When you claim it, when you write it down, when you want it so badly that you’ll do everything it takes– it’ll happen. It may not happen as quickly as you’d like, but it’ll happen. It will all come together. After all, it is a blend.