All The Goals

In Uncategorized by Kimiko Donahue

Let’s talk about goals— I have a lot of them. Always have, always will. There’s always room for improvement, and I like to do cool stuff.

I post a lot about what I do outside of work, but the truth is— I wouldn’t be able to do these things if I wasn’t blessed with opportunities and an amazing career. I’ve been at it for 11 years now.

Sure, insurance sounds boring, but it actually isn’t. Everyday is a new adventure: literally protecting people’s stuff and people’s lives.

Here are just a few of my goals— to hold myself accountable, by making them public:

• Read a new book each month
• Weekly mommy/daughter dates
• Daily random act of kindness
• Exceed 2019 production goals by 200%
• Ride Highway 1 (up the Cali coast)
• Shoot IDPA, IPSC & USPSA nats
• Play live gigs at local restaurants
• NPC bikini competition
• Build a few websites and help businesses with their marketing
• Some kind of speaking engagement

“But Kimi, how do you find the time?” I make the time, I’m flexible with it, and I do my best to include the people important to me. Yes, there are often sacrifices involved. But I have also learned to stack my productivity. (Ex. I actually typed most this as I was on the stair climber at the gym.) Remember that work-life blend I always talk about? Everything is intertwined somehow, and I make sure to get it all done. But I have also learned to set boundaries, hard stops, and calendar my priorities. Time is the one thing we can’t get back, so I’m doing my best to spend it wisely.

Have I ever bit off more than I can chew? Sure. Not by setting a lofty goal, but by trying to be the best at everything. Or as some would say, “spreading myself too thin.” So rather than trying to do it all at once, I do the best I can— in that moment, with what I’m focused on. “Wherever you are, be all there.” (Lanny Bassham)

Today, I was asked by another business owner— what I do to “clear my mind.” I suggested hiking, or any exercise really. It’s healthy, and you can get away from distractions. (Um— FYI, motorcycles are really good for this too!) And “what keeps me motivated?” This is a big one. Because I can say it’s my daughter, my family, my dislike to fail, but ultimately it’s “is what I’m doing glorifying God? Does this ultimately help me achieve my goals?” It holds me accountable, no matter what the situation is.

Enough about me— I’d like to hear your goals and what’s going to keep you motivated for 2020?