Be Authentic. Be a relationship builder. Be YOU.

In business by Kimi Donahue

Be authentic. Be a relationship builder. Be YOU.

As a child, my mother allowed me to express myself. So much that I look back at old photos, “MOM?!? You let me wear THAT?!?” I’m talking socks with sandals and a vest with cats on it. Yes, a cat vest. Even blue hair and Metallica shirts. (Ok, I gave up the blue hair, but I still have my t-shirts!)

It wasn’t until I began my first sales job that I felt nervous or wondered how people perceived me. I was 20 years old when I began insurance career. I was young, looked 15, and my voice sounded like I was 13. I knew that I had to be “extra professional” to gain the trust of my future clients.

I modeled myself after the women around me at the time that I considered successful. They weren’t necessarily good at sales, or anything like me, but people seemed to like them. So I figured I’d follow. After a few years in a customer service role and helping people– you know, doing the right thing… I noticed that my sales were increasing. I was starting to receive referrals.

I never thought of myself as a “closer” but rather a relationship builder. I’m glad I figured this out early, because my next mentor helped me get a good grasp on this concept and why it was so incredibly important to my business. (This was before I even thought about opening my own agency.)

I was sitting in a networking meeting in 2011. (Perhaps some of you reading this were there.) I was told to say something bold and out of character. Not sure why, but it worked. I will never forget the first time I used “kick ass” in a group of professionals. Know this– I hardly ever curse, for several reasons. (That’ll be a blog post in itself. Stay tuned for: “What makes me Tic.”)
The commercial went like this, “Hi, I’m Kimi Donahue and if you’re looking for a kick ass insurance, let’s meet.” Instead of the expected crickets, the theme continued. The banker said her bank kicks ass, etc. You can imagine the commercial for the plumber… Anyway, it was the turning point of my career, of my sales personality, and who I was. Seriously. My confidence level went from 3 to 3000. I had my best sales month of my career that month. And it only got better.

Rather than being a closer, I’m an opener. Rather than chasing a sale, I chase the friendship or partnership, then the sales just happen. People like doing business with people they LIKE. What a concept. Would you do business with you?

There is a lot of competition in the world. Choose to be different, provide value, brand yourself, but be authentic. But maybe leave the cat vest at home.

Don’t do it!